Liberty Wings
Program Info
Multiple Training & Learning Options Available

If you enjoy the photos and the videos, you will enjoy experiencing how much fun a truly friendly, flight trained parrot can be. Nothing compares to seeing your bird in flight in person.
We offer different Skype based instructional options depending on your needs and level of experience. Check out the options below to see which works best for you.
Explore Your Options
with our excellent learning courses, classes, and consultations

Personalized Free-Flight Course
Our Full 20-hr personalized Skype based training course will teach you the concepts you need to know and coach you through developing the skills to train your bird for free-flight.
Full Course Cost: $750

The Foundations of Behavior
A Skype based training class that discusses the fundamental principles behavior is built upon and how we can use these to modify behavior in our pets. This course should be considered mandatory for anyone who works with parrots, dogs, cats, horses, hawks, zoo animals, ,etc.
Full Class Cost: $500

An Introduction to Owning Parrots
A Skype based training class that covers selecting parrot species, caging and aviaries, the benefits and drawbacks of different food types and how to properly feed to increase motivation (no severe hunger needed), raising baby parrots, and a summary of the main principles of behavior
Full Class Cost: $300

Bundle Course Package
Combine “Intro to Owning Parrots” and “Foundations of Behavior” into one comprehensive course
This is a Skype based training course combining our two popular classes at a discount!
Full Combined Class Cost: $750

2-hr sample Free-Flight Class
Parts 1 & 2 from Class 1 (sold seperately)
Get a feel for what the full Skype course will be like with this 2-hour sample video! It’s a great way to see if the full course will work for you. You will need to have a YouTube account and be signed into it to view the sample video.
Cost: $29.95 each

Private Skype Consultations
Need to have a one-on-one private conversation with Bird Trainer Chris Biro? Chris offers these individual private sessions for those who are progressing well with their training but just need a few pointers or questions answered.
Cost: $100/hr

Chris Comes To You
The Instructor Works With You And Your Bird
Get Chris Biro’s undivided attention for a full week of private instruction at your location!
Note: Travel and accomodation expenses to be covered in addition to cost.
Cost: $2500
Read more about these learning options below
Preview Videos
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
About Chris Biro’s Training

Chris is not an internet marketer claiming to be an animal trainer tricking people into believing he is an expert. Chris IS an animal training expert, commonly recognized as one of the best in the world. Chris has made his living training parrots and doing parrot shows since 1993. Chris has applied his engineering background and 25+ years entertainer background to create a fun science based learning experience that leaves the students with a thorough understanding of behavior theory and fully capable of training their birds to fly outdoors. No other available course offers this level of knowledge, combining concepts from a variety of modern science fields with Chris’ years of freeflying experience, including loads of examples to make the science understandable and applicable.
Details About All Our Classes
All our classes are taught on-line via Skype.
Personalized Free Flight Course: this class includes Power Point based instruction and video taught via private Skype sessions with Chris Biro. This fun and informative class is taught via six 3 hour class sessions which are scheduled based on your availability and the pace you wish to work. Many students do one class session per week, others get through the class material within a couple weeks. Students also have access to training material and videos not available on the website. This class will teach you the concepts you need to know and coach you through developing the skills to train your own bird. Our class often takes 1-2 months to complete. CLICK HERE to get more details about this extensive Course.
An Introduction to Owning Parrots:
This class covers a host of topics the new bird owner should know about owing pet parrots. Covered are caging & housing, food types & feeding, wing clipping and nail trimming and most importantly a variety of topics related to how to raise a loving, sweet, well balanced pet bird and how to help it remain a loving, sweet, well balanced pet. What information would a professional animal trainer with 30+ years experience want a new bird owner to know?
The answer is: everything in this course. This course was designed to provide new parrot owners with the most crucial information every bird owner should know. If you want your new baby parrots to live long loving happy lives, then you need the information offered in this course.
The Foundations of Behavior:
This course covers the foundational concepts of behavior. Key to living with any animal is understanding the role of behavior, what elements effect behavior and what elements can be influenced. But behavior doesn’t always work the way people think it works. To truly understand how behavior really works we need to look to science. There are lot of factors contributing to behavior, much more than just consequences, as is so often the focus of animal trainers. This course brings together information from many behavioral sciences including operant conditioning, ethology, and neuroscience in a way that takes the mystery out of behavior and makes managing behavior easy to understand and implement. In this course, professional animal trainer and avid student of behavior, Chris Biro, breaks behavior down into its core elements so you can easily understand and manage your pets behavior, backed up with real life examples from his 30+ years experience doing shows with his own parrots.
Free-Flight Course
Specifics on what you will learn
You will learn to train your parrot to fly without the need of a harness and leash that could become entangled in a tree. You will not need to starve your bird to lose weight and our birds don’t lose weight during training. You will learn how to structure the training process for maximized success and safety to result in a flight trained parrot that is friendly and social and a skilled athlete of the sky.
You will learn about why and how to select an appropriate bird for the style of flying you are interested in, how to train Rally Point Fidelity and to prepare your bird to deal with the threat of hawks. We will cover how to encourage and train adult birds to fly indoors, how to progress to outdoor flight and how to expand outdoor flying to include safely flying in virtually any environment via Chris’ Five Levels System.
The classes in this course includes Power Point based instruction and video taught via private Skype sessions with Chris Biro.
This fun and informative class is taught via six 3 hour class sessions which are scheduled based on your availability and the pace you wish to work. Many students do one class session per week, others get through the class material within a couple weeks. Students also have access to training material and videos not available on the website.
Our Full Skype based training course will teach you the concepts you need to know and coach you through developing the skills to train your own bird. Our class often takes 1-2 months to complete.
The classes cover general training theory, applied operant conditioning, classical conditioning, ethology and the theory behind Chris Biro’s flight training approach and practices.
We will even go into issues beyond Operant Conditioning (created in the 1940s) to include concepts learned from Ethology and neuroscience, guaranteeing you the most up to date understanding of animal behavior and management available.
How It Works

Decide which course(s) you want or the Private Skype Consultation (for as many hours as you like). If you are unsure about commiting to the Personalized Free-Flight Course, consider doing the 2 hour Sample Free-Flight Class!

Go to the Register & Pay page under Programs, or use the button below, to add your selection to the shopping cart.

Once we receive your information from the registration form along with your payment, Chris will contact you via email or phone to schedule a time to start your course. Or alternately, you can contact Chris once you’ve made your payment (because we know you’ll be eager to start)! You do not need to fill out the registration form for a Phone Consult or “Chris Comes To You”; email Chris directly to set these up.

When you have completed your course(s), Chris will email you a link to our Course Evaluation page. We hope you will take the time to leave your input about your course experience. These help us to continually improve upon the course design.
Recent Flight Training Class Testimonials
Read what others have to say about Chris Biro’s Free-Flight Skype Based course!
These are taken from Course Evaluation Forms.
Comments about the Instructors knowledge:
“He made the complexity of some scientific topics lighther and enjoyable. All his real life examples made the difference during the course and his knowledge helped to clear many dark areas within the field.”
“I don’t think anyone could fault Chris’s knowledge of the subject. But Chris also has great eloquence which make him a great teacher.”
“Very experienced instructor, has obviously been doing this for a long long time.”
“Seems very committed to continuously learning and updating the class material.”
“Chris set a stand of excellence. He inspired me to train my birds in a way that I did not that I could. My favorite part of the class was a \”tangent\” him and I went on about the importance of positive reinforcement. It completely rocked and shaped the way I will train my birds forever.”
“Outstanding knowledge of material.”
“Chris really knows what he is talking about and he has a great example or story to explain everything he talks about.”
Comments on recommending this class to others:
“For me it is a must! It opens your mind, clarifying something that you heard or already know, talked to you about real facts and about the real risk without hide anything. Set you up to succeed!!”
“I will definitely reccomend this class. I almost don’t want people flying their birds with me until they’ve taken the class!”
“Anyone wanting to free fly there feathered friends needs to gather all the knowledge available to give them the best chance at success, this course is great for explaining everything you need to know, would highly recommend to anyone interested in this.”
“I highly recommend this class to anyone who is thinking of Free Flight. It is a very informative, and most helpful course to take. His 35 yrs of experience and knowledge is unbelievable, to receive even a portion of what Chris knows is a gift.”
“Yeah of course I would recommend it for people with or without free flight experience there is so many stuff people don’t know about free flight and you can find all of it here.”
“Absolutely! Anyone thinking about free flying should take this class. It isn’t sugar coated, the risks are discussed but knowing how to deal with and minimize the risks makes me feel a lot more comfortable about flying my bird.”
“This class isn’t just for those of us wanting to free fly. It is for anyone who desires to train the parrots effectively, efficiently, and positively. All parrot owners should be taking this class.”
Comments on explanations of scientific concepts:
“The scientific concepts were the most challenging part of the course, but they were invaluable and interesting.”
“As hard as the concepts were I got it in the end as I had a brilliant teacher.”
“It is relevant because it is what people need to know. Chris is sitting on a goldmine that the avian community needs to discover ASAP.”
“We didn’t finish a concept until I understood it completely. Great.”
“Chris will make sure he explains the concepts in a way which you will easily understand and he’ll ask you questions to ensure you are interpreting what he is saying correctly to make sure you fully understand what he is saying.”
Comments on scientific content, supplemental material, & overall content:
“The supplemental material is extensive and will be very useful to revise from in the future.”
“All the content was either scientific or personal experience (with scientific backup).”
“I had learned a lot of valuable information in this class and Chris is very willing to share his knowledge with me and even though sometimes i had problem understanding he will explained to me very clearly and slowly to make sure i got it.”
“Makes it easier to understand the behavior of the bird and why this method of training is effective.”
“This is a must for anyone wanting to fly their birds, and be fully prepared.”
“The attention to detail, language, and information presented was nothing less than astounding. I expected a lot, and it exceeded my expectations.”
“The science of parrot behavior is what intrigues me most. I was overly satisfied and appreciated the amount of science that proved and backed up the information.”
“The class if very informative and filled with very useful information. At first I was overwhelmed with the amount of information, however Chris made it easy to understand in the Skype classes.”
Learning vs cost, availability of Instructor, & scheduling flexibility:
“A great deal of work has gone into producing this course. If Chris had charged 2 or 3 time as much, I still think it would have been worth it.”
“Excellent. Always has time for you. He has the Patience of a Saint ! Very nice man.”
“Considering the time difference, remarkably available.”
“We did a class at 6am. Can’t get more flexible than that.”
“This could be a $1,200 course easily.”
Resources and More
The Pirate's Parrot Show
An educationally based pirate-themed parrot show performing at state and county fairs since 1991. The Pirate’s Parrot Show is a Fun, Educational, and Interactive experience for all ages and cultures.
Bird Recovery International
One in every eight bird species in the world today is in danger of extinction and these numbers are increasing! Find out how this non-profit organization started by Chris Biro can help save and protect parrots and other birds.
Podcasts with Chris Biro
An Alternate Perspective – Enjoy these audio Podcasts of Chris with guests discussing the nature of training flighted birds. The discussions are intended to be loosely structured around a general topic.
Email Us
Call Us
(206) 618-2610
Contact Chris
If you have any questions about the courses