Flight Training Parrots Since 1993
The Pirate’s Parrot Show
An educationally based pirate-themed parrot show performing at state and county fairs since 1991
The Pirate’s Parrot Show is a Fun, Educational, and Interactive experience for all ages and cultures. This informative show comes complete with a large variety of parrots from around the world, “real” pirates, an authentic Pirate Ship display, and delightful speech and freeflight performances. Each year, 30-50 thousand people from across the country are amazed and delighted to safely hold and pet these parrots.
Watch and listen to our Amazon parrot Xena singing Old McDonald during the show
Watch this video made of parts of The Pirate’s Parrot Show and the Dollar Bill Trick.
There are four unique elements to The Pirate’s Parrot Show
The “authentic” pirate ship display and costuming. No one else offers a real pirate ship and real pirates with real parrots to fly around the fair grounds.
At liberty freeflight demonstrations. Most shows that offer flight take one bird at a time out of a cage, fly it back and forth once or twice in front of the audience, then put it back into its cage before bring out another bird. Our birds are all loose and flying around the fair grounds our entire work day (6 hours). If you want to see them behaving more like wild parrots, you’ll need to visit them in their native habitat.
Hands-on with safe and friendly parrots. 30-50 thousand people a year pet and hold our birds, and have been doing so since 1989. In all these years, no one has ever been injured or complained of being bitten or hurt. Actually no one has ever complained about our animals in any way.
Educational format of the show. This show is both educational and entertaining. Elements in this show appeal to the public enough that fairs report unusually high numbers of positive comments in the fair office and requeststo have us back again. Few fairs are prepared for the amount of positive feedback generated by this show. Most of the fairs we do are repeat business. Several have had us at their fair several years in a row.
For booking information contact Chris Biro directly
Read our testimonials about The Pirate’s Parrot Show
The Pirate’s Parrot Show In The News

Parrots Delight on Fair’s Final Day
Children beamed and squealed as bright yellow, orange and green parrots fluttered around The Expo Sunday, snatching dollar bills from outstretched arms and perching on unsuspecting heads.
“I love parrots,” Brittanny Pohlman said. “I think it’s amazing that they come get the money.”
The Pirate’s Parrot Show was a hit for those visiting the summer fair on its last day. Dressed in pirate’s costumes, the owners of the parrots paraded back and forth on the stage as various parrots flew into the audience or circled around The Expo, squawking overhead.
A sailing ship in the background enhanced the pirate’s theme.
Pohlman, an 18-year-old from Central Point, has her own parrot, Alejandro, which she said enjoys shopping with her at the mall.
“My parrot snuggles on my shoulders and says, ‘I love you,’ ” she said.
Read the rest of the article at the Mail Tribune; Southern Oregon’s News Source!

Chronicle Article
August 11, 2011
While Chris Biro (right) speaks to the audience, volunteer Karisa Vansyckle plays host to a group of parrots at the Southwest Washington Fair.[/caption]
Twenty-one-year veteran fair pirate, Parrot Man Chris Biro of Moab, Utah & a former Lewis County resident, explained the Dollar Bill Trick portion of his show to The Chronicle Wednesday.
The trick involves asking audience members to hold up a dollar bill. Biro then releases one of his parrots, who flies out and snatches the green-back from the unsuspecting owners hand. The parrot then flies back to the stage and drops the dollar bill in a large glass jar.
But does he then return the legal tender? Oh no, Biro replied. You don’t understand this pirating thing, do you?
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