Liberty Wings
Mission Statement

We believe the captive population of parrots is a vitally important component of the conservation of parrot species in the wild. Without these animals being bred in captivity in sufficient numbers many species will go extinct as many species are disappearing in the wild. If we do not have them in captivity, we won’t have them in the wild either. The sport of flying parrots outdoors attracts people of all ages to the hobby of keeping parrots as pets. It gives them reason to study and learn better animal handling and training skills. We believe this is essential to the hobby of aviculture (keeping parrots as pets). In recent years aviculture has been shrinking. Many species of parrots that once were common are nearly impossible to purchase now. Many breeders are retiring or dying off from old age. Roughly half of our freeflight students are under 25 years old, providing a fresh new group of passionate advocates for keeping parrots in captivity who are also highly committed to the conservation of the species. This we believe can only be good for the survival of the species as it helps keep sufficient numbers of these species as a reserve population for future conservation purposes. We also believe that the sport of flying parrots produces knowledge and skills useful for the process of reintroducing parrots back into areas they are gone from. To that end we are committed to establishing captive breed and release projects in countries with struggling native species of parrots. As a result of these goals we do not support the breeding and selling of hybrid parrots.
Mission Goals
To provide the tools needed to approach free flight training in the safest and most rewarding manner possible, for indoor or outdoor flying.
We believe that many more people will be able to achieve this wonderful goal of having a free flying companion parrot if they have access to accurate information and competent instruction. Although we are proponents of flighted birds, we are not opposed to clipping flight feathers in some cases. We also believe that stimulating and happy environments can be provided for birds which are not flighted. We believe freeflying outdoors is a sport or fancy which not all people and birds are suited to enjoy. We want to provide the tools needed to support those who are. We believe the goal of flying a parrot indoors or outdoors can supply the motivation needed to learn above average training and handling skills, thus raising the level of care and husbandry standards for all pet parrots.
To encourage events in which people with flying parrots gather and demonstrate their birds flying skills and flying enthusiasm and where information and techniques can be shared and advanced through the group experience and knowledge.
We believe that as such flying events become established, even greater motivation to learn training and handling skills will arise, as Agility has done for the dog community.
To use the most effective, safe and humane training methods available.
We primarily rely on positive reinforcement and use favorite food items, social interests, play interests and other inherent interests as reinforcement. We strive to improve our training skills and methods so that only normal and natural hunger levels are needed for our training sessions. As a rule, weight reduction methods are not used in our training.
To reduce the risks involved with flying birds to the lowest level possible.
It is our goal to identify the factors and conditions where losses are most likely to occur and to help create, use and teach effective strategies to overcome such risks. We recognize that losses through accidents and predation are always possible but we believe that training for maximum skill level and peak physical fitness greatly reduces such risks. We believe that loss due to the bird “getting lost” in normal flying environments is nearly completely avoidable through proper training and careful handling. We also recognize that we humans make mistakes and we strive to show understanding and compassion to anyone who loses a bird due to fate or to their own mistakes. We believe it is our role to provide information and support, but not to judge.
To reduce the need to keep parrots in shelters or rescues.
It is our belief that through better trainer and handler skills comes less need for shelters or “rescues”. As with dog agility, people who interact with their animals with regular training will have less reason to cast off troublesome animals. People who learn advanced training skills will have better skills at “fixing” problem behaviors. They will also have closer relationships with their animals, and thus have more incentive to keep them out of shelters. We believe that better training skills learned for one species of pet will transfer over to improved lives for other species of pets in the home (and spouses, kids and employees).
To Promote and Foster an equestrian style of keeping parrots.
We believe keeping parrots is best done in a manner similar to how people keep horses. Serious Horse People, as they often call themselves, have a stall in a barn but also have a riding arena and/or pasture to turn the horse out in for exercise and personal autonomy. For several years now we have been practicing a similar form of keeping parrots. We have house cages but we also have a large aviary (3000 sqr. ft) and open property to let them fly freely on during the day. It is our belief that it would be better for the physical and mental health of pet parrots if more people in Aviculture would begin working toward keeping parrots in this manner. We do not believe it is “wrong” to keep parrots only in house cages but we do not believe it is nearly as healthy for them.
To promote responsible keeping of pets and the rights of the pet owner to do so.
It is our belief that pet ownership is a valuable right that every person and family is free to enjoy without government harassment. This right is protected under the US Constitution protections of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness clause. We also believe that many valuable social skills are learned through the enjoyment of this right. Proper treatment of animals teaches children proper treatment of people. Learning about the science of behavior for the care of pets benefits the pets, the family and the community.
Flight Training Class Testimonials
Read what bird owners are saying about Chris Biro’s Avian Training & Free-Flight Instruction!

Resources and More
The Pirate's Parrot Show
An educationally based pirate-themed parrot show performing at state and county fairs since 1991. The Pirate’s Parrot Show is a Fun, Educational, and Interactive experience for all ages and cultures.
Bird Recovery International
One in every eight bird species in the world today is in danger of extinction and these numbers are increasing! Find out how this non-profit organization started by Chris Biro can help save and protect parrots and other birds.
Podcasts with Chris Biro
An Alternate Perspective – Enjoy these audio Podcasts of Chris with guests discussing the nature of training flighted birds. The discussions are intended to be loosely structured around a general topic.
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